What have I done since?
To be honest, I don't remember everything I wrote on my first one. But I will review what I remember.
- Learn how to knit.<-I'm a good basic knitter. (Why the snapshot from Lost in Translation? I was knitting my first scarf to wear when I arrived in Barcelona when I watched this movie. And relating to that, started my one sided admiration to Ms Sophia Coppola XD )
- Live in Barcelona (well, actually I haven't lived in the city yet! just the suburbs but I'm working towards it)
- Fully learn belly dancing<-On going-I'm in intermediate!!!
- Visit Germany<-Did, loved Berlin. Next stop: Duisburg...or PENGUIN TOWN.
- Learn German<- Ich bin Shere!
- Read Jane Austen's full library<-I have Emma and another one from her earlier works to go through.
- Read all the classics<-This shore will last me a life time.
- Eat green <- I do! I do!
- Learn how to skate<-This will be a life time achievement.
- A year voluntiring abroad. (I have my eyes set on Nepal)
- Go to Tibet, India, Japan and any country in Africa.
- Live on my own.
- Finally learn how to drive.
- Roadtrip through Germany. (Nanito..? O:))
- See a ballet.
- Learn ballet.
- Learn how to draw.
- Write a book.
- Learn how to surf.
- Form a belly dancing company with choreographies every month.
- Live on my own.
- Go to Duisburg.
- Going back to Scotland.
- Mastering belly dancing intermediate with the veil.
- Writting more in all my blogs.
- Learning how to speak push XD (Dedicated to Vane)
- Reading Kafka. (after Murakami, I'm curious)
- Showing my parents my Barna (soon to be done).
- Xacobeo.
- Continuing writting my maybebook.
- Acomplising the feeling of home while living abroad.
- Learn German.
- Go to Tibet, India, Japan and any country in Africa.
- Mastering my little garden.
- Improving as a photographer.
- Seeing a ballet.
What have you always wanted to do and haven't yet?
si va a ser verdad que todo el mundo se lo plantea en septiembre...!!
acabo de actualizar el mío, jejejje
¿cuándo me enseñas a tejer? quiero hacerle una bufanda a mi madre y darle una sorpresa :)) --> lo puedo escribir libremente, seguro que no lo lee, así que no se lo chivéis
que bién ! :)
Shere, I hope I can support you with fulfilling every paragraph of your "to-do-list" ;)
And thank you for the scarf,
at this time of year its really useful !
Nano: Im glad you are using it :) finally. And I would love to work on my to do list with you.
Vane: Cuando quieras nos ponemos, es bastante fácil una vez le agarras el truquillo.
no había leído tu respuestaaaaaaaaa
vale, vamos a ponernos!! jeje :)
sobre kafka, no tiene tanto que ver con murakami, pero es super curioso de leer. el estilo en sí tiene bastante de "farragós" (que decimos en catalán, no me sale la palabra en castellano), pero vale mucho la pena. ya me contarás... te puedo dejar el proceso si quieres, lo tengo aquí en bcn.
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