They walked with me, were my companions on the 5 minutes path I have between the movie theater and my room. It was midnight, cold and foggy and since no one was around, I was feeling perfectly alone. Contrary to my natural behavior, that day I walked looking at the ground and analyzing the possible meanings of my 3 shadows. None of them alone were me, but all of them together were. Just siluets, drawn by street lamps, that allow me to wonder beyond the pavement.
The past: seems so recent right there behind me, represents the promise of all you could get through. Your repertory of experiences, everything life has told you-or tried to. The present: intense, overwhelming, booked. The wheel of a roller coaster that keeps you spining time and time again, barely giving you a spare moment to put your feet on the ground. The future: All that you expect your life to be, the hoped conclusion to all your efforts, the safe rocking chair in the porche, or hammock in the beach.
After admiring the posibilities of my shadows I wondered who of them was me. None. But had I to choose, which one would I pick? If I had to decide from who I was 5 years ago, who am I now, and who will I be 5 years from now...which one would it be? The answer to this question could tell a lot about me.
- If I choose who I was 5 years ago, means I lost something in the way that I cant gain back, or maybe that I enjoyed that time better than this? Leaves little hope to the present.
- If I choose now, sounds promising. Who is happy now is sure to have fun?
- If I choose 5 years from now, with the considerable fear of not knowing what will go on, means Im on my way to something better? or is it that I havent acomplished all I want just yet?...this last option, have to say, sounds like my current mood.
"For now I decide not to choose...Ill be the one admiring the 3 shadows. What about you?"
If you allow me to, I'd be admiring you instead - your smile always brought light into my life and cast the 3 shadows of me, making it possible for me to exist. :)
Sorry if that sounds as if I'm sucking up, I just love your line of thoughts.
They are philosophic and they do have a very romantic way of perceiving things.
Apart from that you still owe me
a selfmade arepa.
Come on,
give your heart a push ! ;P
Hehehehehe, you are loco XD :) Nah, thanks :) Im very glad you liked it.
Ha valido la pena esperar. Quiero más!
:) Que guay Ana! More coming soon!!!
Looks like you just started! Keep up the writings, I like them. And like nano said they're very romantic.
Past, present, and future tense. That's good that you're looking forward. I think it means you're happy now and perfectly content to move forward in your life. Because who you were 5 years ago, you probably didn't even imagine yourself where you are now. So the possibilities of 5 years later are endless.
The past is attractive though, because there's security in it knowing of old friends, old thoughts. There's a longing for the past, always will be.
"Nothing that was worthy in the past departs; no truth or
goodness realized by man ever dies, or can die." - Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881)
Im very glad you dropped by! Welcome a board :) Wonderful quote!
Well, I'm arriving late, just as usual...
I've to agree with Valinor, in the white shores, far in the west. The past give us security, confidence, because we know the future. (I've forgotten to say I think the things are always according to the only possible way!)
I think I will keep my three shadows with me, I choose all (I don't know if I'm braking your rules!).
- My past: because without my past I can't be what I am. It's a simple question to me: I'm very happy with the people I know now, including you, of course! You know I'm talking very seriously! I can't change any of my friends for a promise!
- My present: I love my life, I love LIFE, with all the suffering and the pain. No moment was better than now!
- My future: no future means no life at all. And... lets think: If I love my present (today) is because today was better than yesterday, and yesterday was better than... you know the word! I fell my life as an ascendant line. So... tomorrow will be EVEN better than today! (actually tomorrow I will have a very difficult and interesting day, but we can talk about this at Kebab's King!!!!)
Congratulations Shere, always making us think about day by day miracles!!
Of course you can choose all 3 :P the possibilities are endless!!I hope your 3 shadows get you through the day XD it IS going to be interesting.
Thanks for writting :)
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