Welcome to the application in my day to day life of this new, very famous, tv show: Grey's Anatomy. If you expect this post to be a discussion of the character, their intertwining relationships, and predictions on what's to come, you might aswell turn back now. This wont be a Meredith did this, Burke said that disertation. This will be a extraction of coincidences, inspired by my train travels, the intense and constant necesity of those around me of identifying themselves and others with the characters, and an evaluation of university live. You cant say, you werent warned.
A bit of history...
I started watching the show long ago. I was still in the university, back home, and though awaiting my "inmigrant" future destiny, was far from living it. Usually in Latin America (for those who don't know, I'm made in Venezuela) series such as this run first than they do in Spain. I believe the reasons to be: 1) closeness with U.S.A, 2) the fact that they dont translate them (Thank G.). I remember watching the first episode and thinking I hated the presentation. My sister laughed at me for watching it, now she thanks me. I was quickly hooked, just like every one seems to be.
The constant necesity to relate to the show...
I studied audio-visuals, and since I love good series, I've interested myself in analizing and studying them. I'm quite annoying to watch the serie with, I go all the time like: "look at that angle, its beautifully done"...my sister (she admits to have learn from me) always was like "mind letting me listen?". As this one keeps climbing the charts, so those the comments of "dont you think this one is like Miranda?" or "I've been in the same situation as George". Seriously, all I need is to mention something like "Oh, by the way, in chapter NÂș # I loved how they close it so easily" and every one starts talking about how it says this and that about them or about their relations. A bow for the creator, Shondra Rhine, and the rest of the crew for achieving this. Is not easy to reach such grasp between real people and tv people, though others might think me crazy.
Evaluation of university life...
A few days ago, I was sitting on my train on my way to belly dancing class, minding my book, when 4 medicine students sat near me, and I was strategily put in the middle of them. Normally, I hate when people circle you and star a conversation you know nothing about, disrespecting your book time. However, being the noise of the voices too unshakable, and being the conversation related to medicine, university and life, I disregarded my book and payed quiet unminded attention.
They started talking about the next anatomy class. From this moment on, I just kept comparing them in my mind to the blossoming characters of Grey's Anatomy. Keeping the tradition of thinking the characters are real people and that you somehow were the inspiration for the serie, I did the same. There was a Meredith, a Cristina, a George and an Issie.
Soon they started talking about what to do this next summer. Here's where it got interesting. One of them, the Issie, mentioned she needed to work this summer to help her parents pay the tuition. (Issie worked as a lingierie model and payed it all...not only that, afterwards she becomes millionare and doesn't know what to do with the money XD...seriously). Two of them replied that this summer they "wouldn't do anything", that their parents take care of everything, that if they work, it will be only and exclusively for their own particular use. Couldn't find the attitude they said it with more selfish, being an emancipated 23 year old who started working at 17. But well, in this world there's space for every one. They kept on an on going about their allowances, and all the things they bought when they worked a month on summer. I just looked at the Issie, who was quietly listening.
Learning from the small things...
Between the serie and my 4 medicine students, there couldn't be more differences. Still, there were some similarities. The odds that my Issie gets something like 8 million dollars from a dead ex are low, yet in tv anything can happen. Everything looks prettier, or less worse, in a lighted box. I know I'll keep hearing the "I'm like this...she's like that", and I'll just enjoy it. I just wanted 5 minutes to think it with perspective. Can't say I have a characther in this serie, they have tried to find me in it. I guess I have things of this one, and of the other. Just like every one else. Though in ocassions I've tried to identify myself as one exclusive characther, in this and many other series, I've never found one that I feel "thinks" like me, or lives the same things as me. I'm more one of options, so the more pieces, the merrier.
The End.
Allow me to close this post with the best ending I've seen in a tv show. Open, simple, true to the real spirit of years of work. The End of "Sex and the City". Won't reveal it to those who havent seen it, but allow me to quote Carrie on her very last frase:
"The most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous." -Carrie
Talk about a happy ending :).
I never really watched Grey's anatomy on tv because I'm not really into hospital shows,
but I like how you wrote about your train trip and what you thought on it. You have a talent on writing things not boring.
Hope I can read more from you soon.
Thanks for reading and for commenting.
So.. it's been a month
who said it is a hospital show, nano? ;)
sorry for being so late (and i don't mean tonite) in here....
thanks shere for your quotes!!
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