Wikipedia defines a wannabe as: a person who imitates or emulates another. Pronounced - "Won-ah-bee". Comes from the words "Want to Be" and "Wanna Be". That's it, someone who wants to be something he/she is not. Couldn't be clearer than that. As it happens, like I mentioned, we all run across such "individuos" during our life. Some with a normal dose of wannabism; some others with the acceptable dose...others long gone.
I'll explain what I see as wannabism. It's not wanting to be like somebody else, or projecting someone else's virtues or even defects in who you wish to be. No, no...its simply wanting to be something you are not. I'll give some examples:
People who've practiced wannabism:
- "Girl you know is true...oh oh oh, I love you"-Mini Vanilli.
- Michael Jackson: As Chris Rock would say...for wanting to be a white woman.
- Cristina Aguilera: I wont say she lacks talent, though I'm definetly not her audience...why a wannabe? For trying to copy the old time classic Marilyn Monroe...and definetly failing at it.
- Britney Spears: For wanting to be Madonna.
- Jewel: For so wanting to be a Britney and failing dreadfully at it. (Do I have to remind you of the dancing video?)
During my walks along the streets of Barcelona, I've encountered 4 examples of living wannabism...4 young men, dressed in a casual slacky outfit, with nothing more and nothing less than Pete Doherty's self brand hat. Don't rush into conclusions and get me wrong, I'm a fan of hats, and so a great defender of them...but I hate unjustified acts of fashion...and of wannabism. Mr Doherty is quite a controversial figure, and has definetly not been the first to have emulating fans all around the world. So I ask: is he the sort of living example of something worth being a wannabe to? Personally, I have nothing against him...but come on, if you practice wannabism, why not practicing it towards a more worthy and fruitful subject...like a Nobel Peace Award Winner?
I now challenge you to enlight us with your known wannabies...and to confess if you have ever been one.
Here a little something to remind you of past times...enjoy
Bravo !
Another well written article,
and so true.
There are more than enough wannabes who copy the 'stars' of today
and god knows I miss the days of when
stars still could be considered idols .
But nowadays you cant let your children idolize stars like Britney S., Paris H. or Pete D. if you are a good parent.
OMG I totally forgot about Paris H. you are so right about that, such a wannabe...
Thanks for reading amor.
jajaja qué pots más bueno!! Cuánto tiempo sin escuchar la canción!!! Madre mía....
todo el mundo ha querido ser en algún momento alguien que no es... ¿no? típica pregunta de roadtrip ;) a mi me gustaría ser.... ¡mafalda! XD
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